Are you searching for your community?

As we propel along our spiritual path, there often comes the desire for community. We yearn to share space with like minded individuals, to grow, learn and heal alongside; to connect with others who share similar experiences and perspectives. As we awaken spiritually, we feel alone in our lives.
Most of us come from relationships and lifestyles that did not have space for, or was not familiar with, the spiritual side of life. We seek connections in which we can express our authentic selves. As we come more in touch with spirit, we desire a life and relationships that reflect that spirituality back to us.
I can't tell you how many times I've be in consultation with a client who says
"I can't talk to anyone else about this".
Our spirit desires expression. The light within us, just like the light energy of the Universe, expands exponentially. When you start tapping into your spirit, you feel yourself moved to share it and receive the light from others. We know intuitively that this is how we grow: through the reflection of ourselves in others. In a way, the people in our lives are our teachers; teaching us about ourselves and the nature of the universe. We can "hire" or "cast" the different teachers or actors in our lives that bring out the best in us, and the best lessons for our growth and evolution.

What makes for the best community?
In order to have the best relationships in our life, we have to show up as our most authentic self. Your vibe attracts your tribe, and although I don't like the New Age "vibe" of this saying, it does resonate with the Hermetic Principle of correspondence: As within, so without. Any thing that is happening within you, on a spiritual/emotional/mental plane will also manifest outside of you on the physical plane.
So as you develop relationship with Spirit, you will begin seeking and developing relationships with others that are also influenced by or incorporated with spirit. So the first step in finding a community is to find yourself.

Next, you will find others who share the pursuit of discovering themselves and sharing their Light with the world, and alongside one another, you will embark on your unique journey of self actualization. This is one of the reasons the community with the Modern Mystery School is so unique. The Modern Mystery School offers a path for the individual to come in greater contact with the realm of spirit, anchor that higher energy down to the physical plane to embody and live out their life purpose.
The best communities are one s composed of individuals who share a deep commitment to (1) better themselves and (2) showing up as their best possible selves in every situation.
This creates a beautiful blend of unity and uniqueness. We are unified in the mission of self improvements will also unique in what and how that exactly that unfolds. This creates a vast and diverse array of unique individuals who are unified in one common purpose: creating world peace.
Check out my class calendar of events for opportunities to connect with a spiritual community.
Schedule a free consultation to learn if this is a good path for you.
If you're ready to begin, scedule your Life Activation session.
All the love in the universe,