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The Modern Mystery School

An international community of Lightworkers initiated in an ancient lineage of service, compassion, and empowerment

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The mission of the Modern Mystery School is to create World Peace by empowering individuals to find peace within themselves. 


The Modern Mystery School is in service to all of humanity to assist in the ascension of the human consciousness on this planet. This is a mission the school and its lineage holders have been working towards for over 3,000 years. The purpose of the school is to help people achieve their highest spiritual potential in this physical life, while living a life of joy, fulfillment and love.

The school provides people with the tools and teachings they need in order to empower themselves and realize that they are their own greatest teacher, so that they may remember who they truly are

We believe that all beings are of divine origin - that we all come from God - therefore we all have this Godly divinity within each of us. We believe that all people are, in essence, Gods & Goddesses themselves

Core Values

We value life as we know it, that sacred spark from the universe that can and will ignite the world to become a better place for us all.


We value every individual, no matter who or what they are, by what name they go or ideas they have. We will do our best to make certain that they can express themselves in the most healthy and positive way possible for humans.


We value that, after the awakening of the inner being, there is a need for self-expression of their soul, their inner feelings and thoughts. We welcome that expression and see it as a part of our organization, as a part of who and what we are.


We value being different, we see it as being unique. We welcome those who suffer from the ignorance and judgement of others who do not understand nor accept that uniqueness.


We value society, as it has given us the opportunity to serve the greater good to a larger audience.


We value Governments of countries who try to do their best to take care of their citizens.


We value those who want to create a positive change in the world and we gladly support their efforts.

Inscribed above the doors of every Mystery School are the words:

Through the teachings and tools of the mystery school tradition, we believe that we may come to know ourselves as the divine Gods and Goddesses within.

Core Beliefs

We believe that all humans have come from a Divine Origin and are therefore made from a Divine substance, therefore in a sense are Gods and Goddesses!


We believe that all humans are Eternal, that we have never been born and therefore we can never die. Yes, we have a physical body, but so does the butterfly have a shell, a larva that then transforms into their true nature. We believe that we are in that process, becoming our true self!


We believe that all humans have all the knowledge we need, and that whatever questions we have, the answers reside within ourselves. The Mystery School was established only to assist humans to find those answers, not to give them!


We believe that humans are constructed by three components, physical body, soul and spirit and that all three of these need to be taken care of through wisdom, nurturing, and healing. The Mystery School Lineage provides this with ancient metaphysical tools used and perfected over thousands of years.


The Lineage has focused on working with and creating tools to handle the complicated machine or the computer of the human vehicle, what we call the MIND. Our tools are aimed to help each individual take back control of this vehicle for themselves so they can create a better life. We believe that all of our physical manifestations start within the mind thus it is so important to take good care of it!


We believe that humans are born as two different genders, male and female, as so proven by biology and that the science of this is accurate. We then believe in the individual’s freedom to regard themselves as whatever or whoever makes them happy, but that the facts are indisputable that our foundational physicality is that we are all born either male or female and that there are undeniable differences in that foundation.


We furthermore believe that we have certain archetypes for us to follow and strive to be like, these all being Gods and Goddesses of ancient times on earth, bringing us good values and traits for us to follow and admire. These archetypes have inspired us humans for thousands of years and they define our lives in every way, allowing us to overcome any obstacle that comes before us, to grow greater than our previous self and rise victorious in life. Without these divine archetypes we would not nor could we attain such heights of human potential.


We believe in the essential goodness of all humans or their capacity for such, even though history may show different. Humans are innately good, and with the correct environmental influence and inner self work we can accomplish our highest human potential to do good!


We believe in the right of self-determination as well as taking full responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and words in all situations. We believe that the true ownership of those things is laid at the feet of the individual self, whether it bares good or bad fruit for themselves or others.


We believe that the character and integrity of a individual is far more important and meaningful than the identification of one by a group or a collective.


We believe people should have the freedom to express themselves in a healthy way, unburdened by any constraint to conform to a particular group or person’s personal opinions or acceptance of those views.


We believe in the power of humans to create a better world and that with the correct nurturing we can accomplish that goal. This would not be accomplished with any one organization (including the Modern Mystery School), religion or otherwise such, but rather through the power of the people themselves, led by their love of freedom, acceptance of themselves and others and peace!

To know thyself as divine
To know thyself as god.
Know Thyself.



Lineage is the essential key to the legitimacy, integrity and authority of the Modern Mystery School. Lineage is like a cook book, with specific recipes or protocols being handed down for generations. The integrity and effectiveness of the lineage lies in its preservation, in other words, not changing the teachings, tools, protocols, etc. 


The lineage of the Modern Mystery School dates back thousands of years, with a written and traceable line of lineage holders to King Salomon. As a hermetic, alchemical lineage, the power and magick dates back many thousands of years prior, however we honor the legitimacy of the traceable lineage, as well as the tremendous gift of the work done by King Salomon by using his name.


The lineage has been preserved in authenticity through many generations of lineage holders, through the sharing of keys from teach to student and the holy process of initiation.


Initiation in an unbroken lineage, empowers the initiate to engage in the Great Work: to create a better world, living in accordance with one's highest potential and true purpose. Great masters such as Nikola Tesla, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinco, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra and Jesus Christ have received invitation into the mystery school tradition, leading them to fulfill their promise to God while living on this earth. 


Modern Mystery School is lead by two independent, collaborative bodies:
The Third Order and The Council of Twelve

Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, Founder Heirophant Gudni Gudnason,

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon

Founder Gudni Gudnason, Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome and Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon are the Third Order of the Modern Mystery School
Founder Gudni Gudnason, Head Lineage Holder of the Modern Mystery School

Heirophant Gudni Gudnason was born in Iceland in 1958. In the early 70's he was Initiated into the Lineage of King Salomon and studied extensively throughout the world topics of Metaphysics, Quantum Physics, Alchemy, Astronomy, Shamanism, Hermeticism, Enochian, Kabbalah and more. In 1995 he received the keys to the Rocky Mountain Mystery School Lineage, one of the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools, from Native North Americans and opened The Modern Mystery School to the public. He began teaching, activating and initiating under direction of the Hierarchy of Light to bring this one secret path to the public. For his reason, he is attributed the title of Founder, while also being an Ipsissimus (meaning Lineage Holder). He is a dedicated humanitarian, dedicating thousands of dollars and hours to improve the lives of those in need. He is Founder and CEO of two humanitarian organizations: Golden Pyramid of Peace and Fusion for Peace. He is also an accomplished martial artist, dancer, actor, stuntman, poet, musician, writer and more. 

Watch this video of Founder Gudni Gudnason talking about the Philosopher's Stone and the essence of all Life

Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, Master Healer and Head Teacher of the Ensofic Ray Institure with the Modern Mystery School

Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome was born into a pure Japanese Bushi or Samurai family and was Initiated as a Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhist Priest before joining the Modern Mystery School Lineage in 2000. "As a master healer and head instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute, he brings to the people an awareness of the beauty and good within themselves, in order to inspire the deepest healing and empowerment that they can achieve."

Watch this video of Ipsissimus Hideto
talking about Compassion & Galactic Teachings

Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon, Head Warriors of Light Instructor with the Modern Mystery School

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon is a world class Martial Arts Instructor with many years of business, economic and marketing specialization. Since joining the School in 2004, MMS has expanded from 12 to over 55 countries all over the world. He now leads the worldwide Order of the Warriors of Light. "Dave has dedicated his life to serving the world by teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life to Know Thyself. He is an expert at identifying what is blocking a person and at navigating them to high frequencies and deeper understandings."

Watch this video of Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon talking about what it means to be a Warrior in the Lineage of King Salomon

The Council of 12
includes 12 women, six from the East and six from the West 


Watch this video of the six Divinas of the Western World
speak about living an Empowered Life as a Woman

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