My name is Madison White, RN, BSN; I'm a spiritual healer, teacher & guide in the Lineage of King Salomon certified by the Modern Mystery School
On December 21, 2012, at the end of the 5,126 year long Mayan long count calendar cycle, I was at my breaking point.
I was burnt out working as a nurse, physically ill, smoking weed everyday, feeling completely stuck, disempowered, and unable to help myself.
In that moment, as an atheist, for only the second time in my life, I prayed. The first time was in the 4th grade when I lost my homework while running late for school.
My prayer was simple: God, if you help me, if you take my pain away, I promise, I will be a better person. I will do good.
As the months slipped by, I regained my health. My body started to feel strong again, I moved back home with my parents, and I cut back on my drug use.​
My body was healing but my soul was still very, very broken.
And I intuitively knew that I would not really well 'well' again until I healed my soul. I had no idea how to do that. So I started searching.
I had been in and out of therapy, I had peered through the veil on hallucinogens on more than one occasion, I swore off religion during my years at a Catholic high school. The only thing I hadn't tried was spirituality.
So a google search led me to a meditation class at the Modern Mystery School, there I met my guide and had a conversation with him after class. I told me everything about what had happened and was happening to me in my life. And he listened, and it was the first time in my life I really felt heard. There was no judgment, no ego. I told him simply:​​
If there is a re-do button on life, I want to press it.
He told me that that reset button was Kabbalah: a 10 month long ascension of the Tree of Life. Immediately it appealed to me because I knew the type of transformation I was looking for wasn't going to happen in a single session, or even a class of retreat, I needed a thorough reset of who I am [was] as a being.
But, I still hesitated, I had doubts. How could I possible know if this was real, and if this stranger, whom I had just met an hour ago and told my entire life story to, be telling the truth?
But I chose to listen to my heart instead.
Over the next three months, I received Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation, Empower Thyself Initiation and started by first Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension program.